Kendo Sensei

Okami Tokugawa

Master of Kendo at the Ashitaka Dojo. / Ex-Bakufu

:Skill:Darkness FallsVertical slice into the air, then a quick downward slash.

Title: Black Wolf
Age: 40yrs
Gender: Male Hyur
Physical Appearance
Height: 6 Fulm 1 Ilms
Weight: 193 Ponze
Peaceful/violent: Violent(ish)
Weapon of choice: Katana/Bokuto
Style of combat: Kendo

- Solving his brothers murder while teaching at Ashitaka Dojo. He only has one clue to go off of, and that's the last person his brother was with, was a Onmyoji(Hingan Priest) they were attempting an exorcism on a evil Shikigami(restless spirit). No one has seen either of them since.
- Ex Bakufu soldier known as the “Black Wolf” Okami he built quite the reputation being stationed at the Ruby Price watching over the waters.